Engineering being our core, any project undertaken, may it be a simple component or a complex assembly, flows through our following engineering proficiencies to achieve techno-commercial finesse in the array of components & assemblies made from copper, brass & non-ferrous metals.
Our comprehensive and practical knowledge of various application standards (especially Electrical and Electro...nics) and various non-ferrous metal working processes such as Precision Machining, Sheet Metal Working, Drawing, Forging, Casting, Superfinishing, Electron Beam Welding etc. enables us to select the most suitable combination of processes and machines that in turn achieves the most desirable Cost / Precision / Volume / Time efficiency matrix.
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Having penetrative abilities to understand clients' product key attributes, its functional requirements &... desired specifications, we contemplate on vital process parameters such as Homogeneity, Grain Orientation, Microstructure, Surface Finish, Surface Treatments, Conductivity, other Electro-Mechanical Characteristics to appropriately design customized development and manufacturing plans to achieve an optimized techno-commercial product.
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Our core competencies are in handling Heavy Electrical Parts, High / Low Voltage Power Transmission Products, Switchgear ...Parts and other Components made of Copper & Brass (including thin sections of 0.20 mm) for varied applications like Temperature Control, Fluid Engineering, Process Equipment etc. having intricate Shapes & Profiles with Close Tolerances and Geometric Accuracy.
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We are apt to envisage & encounter process defects and limitations such as Grain Orientation issues, Microstru...ctural defects like Inclusions, Scratches, Oxidation on functional surfaces, Thinning & Cracking during Bending, High Burr levels, variations in Electrical Properties etc. and incorporate predefined remedies while designing the manufacturing plans.
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We stand ready with our backward integration expertise and value engineering initiatives to revisit design parame...ters and render optimum manufacturability solutions such as diligent savings by material Wastage Controls, optimizing Electro-Mechanical Performance, suggesting alternate grade of Raw Materials for techno-commercial advantage.
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We provide comprehensive support in product design & development using advanced tools such as 3D Software, Fin...ite Element Analysis (FEA) etc. for in-depth understanding of clients specifications & further interfacing in assembling and subsequently assisting our tool designers and manufacturing team to profoundly understand the Job profile leading to an optimized production process thus adding value to clients' end product quality.
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Our engineers have meticulous knowledge of manufacturing engineering, Tool design-development and prevent...ive maintenance systems supported by tool room for various Non-Ferrous Metal Working Processes to achieve mass production with consistent quality at minimal inspection.
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Our strategic tie-ups with strong networks of consulting Technical Experts, R&D Institutes and dedicated to Non-ferrous components' manufacturing and its application fields especially Electrical and Electronics, assist us in enhancing our competencies.
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Our post-manufacturing and supportive activities like Joining, Soldering, Brazing, Welding, Speciality Surf...ace Finishing, Coating / Plating, other allied processes and assembling, added with customized packaging makes us a Total Solution Provider to our Clients.
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Copper, brass & non-ferrous components & assemblies are produced using the same manufacturing processes as any other metals.
Please visit our product lines to understand our manufacturing set-ups & testing facilities.
We process raw materials of various International Standards like DIN, BS, ASTM, EN, JIS, ISI etc.
Metal Forms Utilized: Bar Stocks (Rounds, Flats, Plates & Profiles), Sheets, Coils, Tubes, Blocks & Thick Sections.
Copper, Brass & Non-Ferrous components & assemblies are produced using the same manufacturing processes as any other metals.
Please visit our product lines to understand the manufacturing processes of each.
As a part of our total solutions approach, we also offer auxiliary and allied processes with a special focus on Electrical & Electronic Components, encompassing…
All our products are manufactured in adherence to our quality policy & work system manuals. Please visit our quality page & work manuals for an in depth understanding of our procedures & systems.
Additionally, quality procedures specific to our components made from Copper, Brass & Non-ferrous metal’s manufacturing are…
Our value engineered & manufactured components & assemblies made from copper, brass & non-ferrous metals, with focus on our client’s intent, find their infinite customized applications across all engineering industries.
In the dynamic spectrum, below are some Industries we serve
COREiNSPIRE has achieved its ingenuity to cutting edge products applied across various electrical, mechanical & automotive industries that highlight its core competencies.
Here are a few products of diverse non-ferrous materials that are developed & manufactured by a variety of tool designs-press working, machining, forging & brazing processes that underpin our achievements:
(For Product Development, Tooling and Manufacturing)
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